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Re: gnufans wiki

From: Ognyan Kulev
Subject: Re: gnufans wiki
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 09:03:46 +0300
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web-hurd mailing list is not related to TWiki Hurd. Usually such discussions are made in the pages itself.

Greg Buchholz wrote:
Anyone know why the following two pages aren't combined into one page?


As noted at the end of WebHome:

"The main HTML page for http://hurd.gnufans.org is located at Hurd Gnu Fans Org but has restricted editing. If you are interested in helping us better represent the site to new and returning users (by helping edit the front page) you are encouraged to participate in the discussion held in the Hurd Gnu Fans Org Discuss topic."

So post a note in http://hurd.gnufans.org/bin/view/Main/HurdGnuFansOrgDiscuss

And for that matter, why doesn't http://hurd.gnufans.org point to a TWiki
page (like WebHome for instance)?

Well, it's a kind of start page for all Webs in the site, so it isn't in any of these webs. (Of course, this is only my opinion.)

Ognyan Kulev <address@hidden,fsa-bg.org,jabber.net}>
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