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[Windstille-devel] Re: collision detection questions

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: [Windstille-devel] Re: collision detection questions
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 07:03:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

> 1) First of all - should I start with it though I didn't finish this slope 
> thing, yet?

Yes, slopes are not so important.

> 2) GameObject will be derived from CollisionObject (and RefCounter) ? But 
> each 
> GameObject's child has to define the its shape and its behaviour itself.

Use Entity, not GameObject. GameObject is completly abstract and can
represent anything, while Entity represents an object in the world.

> 3) Where should I put the CollisionEngine ? I think it would be best to 
> instantiate it in Sector.

Sector sounds good.

> 4) MatzeB suggested, that collision with the tilemap should be done 
> seperately. As it makes good sense for rectangular tiles, it maybe somewhat 
> easier, if we integrate slope-tiles within the CollisionEngine, because this 
> way the hard programming on these would be saved. If I integrate some small 
> quadtree in it, it will easily handle all the used tiles in acceptable time.

Quadtree sounds overkill to me, the tilemap already gives you direct
access to all tiles.

> Some general question:
> 1) Prince of Persia, Flashback and so on have some discrete kind of movement.
> So every time you hit the walk key, you end up on the same spot, regardless 
> the time you pressed it.

We want to avoid the discrete movement as much as we can.

> Otherwise we'll have to automatically "arrange" the player to the tiles, so 
> that he can climb up or down.

Yes, player should automatically 'jump' (or be moved there by more
gentle means) into the right position if close enough.

PS: address@hidden should be the official list, the
nongnu one is however still mentioned in some webpages, need to fix

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