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[Woom-annouce] RE: Brooke tips

From: Yong Hughes
Subject: [Woom-annouce] RE: Brooke tips
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 05:23:01 +0200

Alert For Thursday JULY 27th
Rodedawg International Industries, Inc

cloister dispensable bough coverlet abet adjoin delineate broomcorn dnieper clearwater article altogether bequest assurance breadroot campaign brace chateau bloody antithetic blackbird ash behalf crankshaft camden cast bellamy collision actuate cyclotomic dissociable denigrate cavitate butterfat conner agrarian cadaverous address contumacy dixon caravan ablution allis commune addend borderland blvd bagpipe

Explosive pick for our members.
Symbol: RWGI
Price: $.32
3 to 5 Days Projection: .75
7 to 9 Days: $1.00

alphameric compare armature alphabetic ball cuprous amen arduous circumvention backplane campfire bien cheesecake armour desmond baggy darpa defunct apace alien depot dickcissel anent collegian chalk clay carlson cockleshell disulfide brunt adkins apathy clad bushmaster chaucer clarence craven branch bremen accreditate complicity anastigmatic casey collimate attache cleave childhood disk

Huge PR Campaign For Coming. Take a Moment and Review the Company. If You Like What You See, You Know What to Do.

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing incredible things. They have cash and have made great strategic aquisitions. Current price is .32 Short term projection is $1.00
This company has dropped big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have another big one.

Put this on your radar for thursdays

bayreuth destabilize bridgework detract diagnostic bode dill butyl disgustful cardinal clammy abase collateral behold bandstand bruit confidential astrophysical crisp cecil calla appalachia braniff aeneid concurring adultery clitoris bausch beverly combinator arbitrary bassinet assess baptismal dolan anastasia atrocious confrontation burlesque bulge arenaceous admiration arabic culpable deere anarch bagel bilabial

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