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[Xbindkeys-devel] xbindkeys changing behavior after some time of usage

From: David Reis
Subject: [Xbindkeys-devel] xbindkeys changing behavior after some time of usage
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 10:56:30 +0200


I recently thought of the possibility of using two of my mouse buttons
as modifiers to allow for complete control of the desktop with mouse
only (adjust volume, move & resize w/o window decorations, control music
player, etc), and sure enough, xbindkeys did the job with a little help
from the Web.

Unfortunately, I am now stuck with a problem I can't solve: After some
time of usage (about an hour to a day), xbindkeys suddenly changes
behavior: The modifiers stick, even after restarting the daemon or
re-plugging the mouse. Only an X restart fixes this.

Comparing the output of a working and a broken session, it is obvious
that e.xbutton.state takes on different values: 0 (pressed) and 0
(released) for a working session, 16 (pressed) and 8208 (released) for a
broken one. This is the case just for a single click of one of the
modifiers. If the session is broken, a single click will suffice to make
xbindkeys thing the modifier is constantly held down. I have not found a
way out of this so far.

Unfortunately, I was not able to find out where this comes from or what
the variable even stands for, so I'm turning to this mailing list. I'd
be glad if anyone could help, as I got used to the new functionality
pretty quickly.



Aptosid w/ 2.6.37-0.slh.1-aptosid-686
xbindkeys 1.8.3
Logitech Mx510 through evdev
.xbindkeysrc.scm: http://pastebin.com/7dw3xDUq
Starting xbindkeys -n -v, both cases: http://pastebin.com/EtGFL09U
Working click: http://pastebin.com/vE1cG60t
Broken click: http://pastebin.com/afPC6NdN

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