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[Fwd: [XForms] fl_set_input_return(ob, FL_RETURN_ALWAYS);]

From: Serge Bromow
Subject: [Fwd: [XForms] fl_set_input_return(ob, FL_RETURN_ALWAYS);]
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 12:45:05 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100228)

Hi Jens,

While testing I note that;

When an input object is set to "FL_RETURN_ALWAYS" the input object returns even when other buttons are pressed. I have included a program you can use to test this behaviour. The form has 2 buttons and 1 input object. With the FL_RETURN_ALWAYS set, the program return the input object first and then the button that was pressed. In previous version the input only returned when key events were received. If you comment out the FL_RETURN_ALWAYS the program returns to normal behaviour.

FL_RETURN_CHANGED = ok for buttons (only buttons return) but always returns for key events. Should only return at end if input changed.

FL_RETURN_END = always returns.
FL_RETURN_ALWAYS = always returns.



#ifndef FD_x_h_
#define FD_x_h_

#include <forms.h>

/* Callbacks, globals and object handlers */

/* Forms and Objects */

typedef struct {
   FL_FORM   * x;
   void      * vdata;
   char      * cdata;
   long        ldata;
   FL_OBJECT * back;
   FL_OBJECT * done;
   FL_OBJECT * button;
   FL_OBJECT * inp;
} FD_x;

extern FD_x * create_form_x( void );

#endif /* FD_x_h_ */


FD_x *create_form_x( void )
   FL_OBJECT *obj;
   FD_x *fdui = fl_malloc( sizeof *fdui );

   int old_bw = fl_get_border_width( );
   fl_set_border_width( -1 );

   fdui->vdata = fdui->cdata = NULL;
   fdui->ldata = 0;

   fdui->x = fl_bgn_form( FL_NO_BOX, 205, 100 );

   fdui->back = obj = fl_add_box( FL_BORDER_BOX, 0, 0, 205, 100, "" );
   fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_RIGHT_BCOL, FL_WHITE );

fdui->done = obj = fl_add_button( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 50, 205, 50, "Done" );
   fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_GREEN, FL_DARKER_COL1 );
   fl_set_object_lsize( obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE );
   fl_set_object_lalign( obj, FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
   fl_set_object_lstyle( obj, FL_BOLD_STYLE );

fdui->button = obj = fl_add_button( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 25, 205, 25, "Button" );
   fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_BLUE, FL_DARKER_COL1 );
   fl_set_object_lcolor( obj, FL_WHITE );
   fl_set_object_lsize( obj, FL_NORMAL_SIZE );
   fl_set_object_lalign( obj, FL_ALIGN_CENTER );
   fl_set_object_lstyle( obj, FL_BOLD_STYLE );

   fdui->inp = obj = fl_add_input( FL_NORMAL_INPUT, 0, 0, 205, 25, "" );
   fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_WHITE, FL_WHITE );
   fl_set_object_return( obj, FL_RETURN_END_CHANGED );

   fl_end_form( );

   fdui->x->fdui = fdui;
   fl_set_border_width( old_bw );

   return fdui;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
FD_x *fd_x;


fl_initialize(&argc, argv, 0, 0, 0);

fd_x = create_form_x();

fl_set_input_return(fd_x->inp, FL_RETURN_ALWAYS);

printf("VAL INPUT  %d\n", (int) fd_x->inp);
printf("VAL BUTTON %d\n", (int) fd_x->button);
printf("VAL DONE   %d\n", (int) fd_x->done);

while(1) {

   ob = fl_do_forms();
printf("OB = %d\n", (int) ob); if( ob == fd_x->done ) {




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