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[XForms] New pre-release xforms-1.0.93pre11

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: [XForms] New pre-release xforms-1.0.93pre11
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 23:05:40 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)


   we're on the finishing line for the new release and thus here's
the second pre-release for today:


It's nearly exclusively about the documentation: Paul Nicholson
was so kind to send me lots of fixes for the first chapters. At
a few places also the wording got changes a bit. And then there's
a minor change in fdesign: the doubling of the possible settings
of the label alignment (TOP_RIGHT versus RIGHT_TOP) got removed.

                             Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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