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[XForms] New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre16

From: Jens Thoms Toerring
Subject: [XForms] New prerelease xforms-1.0.94pre16
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 22:58:56 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


   this time its a new pre-release


not because of some stupid error of mine but due to a few
bug fixes and a new function, all due to Serge Bromow, who
spend a lot of time doing tests and gave me some code to

First the bugs:

 a) Using the <End> and <Home> keys in (single-line) input
    objects didn't work correctly.
 b) A deactivated FL_HOLD_NROSWER still reacted to keyboard
    events (but not to mouse events), now it doesn't react
    to anything (at least that's what it's supposed to do;-)
 c) Tooltips were shown for deactivated objects, which didn't
    make too much sense.
 d) When converting lots of files with fdesign, using e.g.
    fdesign -convert *.fd
    on a directory with many .fd files, at some point the
    resulting ,c and .h files weren't correct (if there were
    a total of more than 1024 objects that had ames or call-
 e) fdesign didn't treat the style setting for labels in-

And then there's a new function

  int fl_set_input_mode( int mode );

Until now the cursor in input fields (when it got the focus
by a non-mouse event, e.g. by pressing the <Tab> key, was
set to the end of an existing string at first and, when you
go there another time, to the position it had when you left
the input field. And for input fields with an upper limit of
characters (set vie fl_set_input_maxchars()) you couldn't
enter any more characters when the limit was reached, you
first had to delete at least one. This is still the default.

But by using fl_set_input_mode() with an argument of
'FL_DOS_INPUT_MODE' you can now set the behaviour to some-
thing more in line with what you may be used to from DOS pro-
grams showing some input forrms: the cursor is always put into
the start of the field when you "tab into" it. And for input
field with an upper limit on the number of characters it can
hold when it becomes "full" and you try to insert more charac-
ters somewhere before the end characters at the end get
"shiiftet out" to make room for the new characters.

This setting is global for whole the application and you can
switch back to "normal" mode by calling fl_set_input_mode()
with an argument of 'FL_NORMAL_INPUT_MODE'.

I guess you don't have to test this new function too much since
Serge already has done that;-)

I guess we're on the home stretch for the new "real" (i.e. not
just pre-) release now, so anyone who has noticed anything not
working to specs please speak up! (And a simple "everything seems
to be working fine here" message will boost my confi- dence that
we're ready to get the new version out of the door;-)

                          Best regards, Jens
  \   Jens Thoms Toerring  ________      address@hidden
   \_______________________________      http://toerring.de

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