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Re: [XForms] Fwd: Re: automated regression tests for XForms

From: alessandro basili
Subject: Re: [XForms] Fwd: Re: automated regression tests for XForms
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 09:27:51 +0100
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On 15/02/2013 12:33, alessandro basili wrote:
>> As far as I know you can try:
>> """
>> autoreconf --force --install
>> """
>> before running "./configure".
> did not work.
> I have libtool 2.2.6b on my system while for some reason when I run
> autogen.sh or autoreconf (as suggested), then a libtool utility is
> created in the directory with a different version.

After some trials and errors I managed to pass this point and compile
successfully the library. Unfortunately my random sequence of trials
cannot be reproducible as of now (I started from scratch and forgot how
I did it!), hence I cannot suggest any modification for the building
scripts yet.

I'm still trying to understand how the autotools work, but I've found
that config/ltmain.sh is in the repository while it shouldn't be there
because should be created automatically by either autoreconf or
libtoolize, according to the developer's configuration.

In the config/ltmain.sh there was the offending declaration of libtool
VERSION for Ubuntu, while I'm running on Debian.

I guess that for users it does not really matter, since the tarball is
shipped with the ./configure script already (AFAIK). But for whoever is
interested in developing I guess that the autotools should properly
generate the building environment according to the developer's

I'll try to spend some more time on this issue and hopefully find a
potential solution.

FYI there's an interesting book on autotools which mentions the
'bootstrap' problem in this chapter:


I am pretty sure autoreconf 2.63 is handling the --add-missing option
and the libtoolize as well. Therefore it would be much better to run, as
suggested by LukenShiro, only the following:

[]$ autoreconf -i -f

and then proceed with ./configure, make, make install.

Will keep you posted on this.


p.s.: it's funny how many problems you can find on the way to your goal.
Interestingly enough, solving those problems might have an impact which
is much greater than the initial goal itself!

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