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[Xlog-discussion] xlog-0.9.10 released (aka 1.0rc1)

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] xlog-0.9.10 released (aka 1.0rc1)
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 16:54:18 +0200

Here is the first 1.0 release candidate.


* Adif logs with lower case fields names are now imported correctly.
  Reported by David, CT1DRB.
* A preview widget has been added to the log -> open dialog. It will
  show the first 10 lines of the selected file.
* When saving as ADIF you can now decide to convert the frequency to a
  band, e.g. 1.8 becomes 160M, 14.123 becomes 20M. You can set this in
  the "Save As" page of the Settings->Dialogs dialog.
* When saving as labels you can decide to export the free fields. You
  can set this in the same dialog.
* A menu has been added to switch logs. This means you can now also use
  the keyboard for log switching, e.g. <alt>1, <alt>2, ... <alt>0
  switches from log 1 to 10.
* A warning is issued in the statusbar when creating a new log with a 
  name that already exists.

I am going to send messages to the French, Danish and Spanish
translators over the weekend, so they have plenty of time to update
their translations when 1.0 comes out. I guess we can release 1.0 in a
couple of weeks if all goes well. I also want to do some profiling
(attempt to find memory leaks, etc).

As always, download the new release at:

http://www.qsl.net/pg4i/download/ (slow site)

http://pg4i.mattsnetwork.co.uk/download (fast mirror)

Joop Stakenborg PG4I

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