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[Xlog-discussion] xlog-1.6.1 released

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] xlog-1.6.1 released
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 19:14:27 +0100

This is a bugfix release which fixes several scoring and hamlib issues.

  * Compilation fixes.
  * Fix appearance of the scoring window. Thanks to flavio, IK3OCD and 
    Boris, 4Z5ST for reporting.
  * Fix power retrieval from the rig. Thanks Pat, KB8PYM and Martin,
    AA6E for the report.
  * Some fixes for EDI and EDITEST file format, patch by Stephane,
  * Some changes to the S-meter coding which will hopefully make it more
  * If there is no cummunication with the rig, hamlib will be stopped
    and a warning dialog will be shown.
  * The wac scoring is now updated correctly when a log is closed.
  * Country worked count would be set to "0" whenever you would have at
    least one confirmed QSO with that country. Patch by Stephane.
  * When using the bandoptionmenu the band would sometimes be truncated.
  * WAC scoring will now get updated when importing a log.
  * Include the old wwl code again because of license problems with the
    new code.
  * All of xlog is now GPL version 3.


Thanks to all who have reported bugs!

Joop PG4I

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