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[123tkshop-user] Fwd: Day recomendation. (Tue, 25 Jul 2006 22:22:07 -0

From: Irvin Bishop
Subject: [123tkshop-user] Fwd: Day recomendation. (Tue, 25 Jul 2006 22:22:07 -0400)
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 22:22:07 -0400

Ever-Lasting Glory International Group

Ticket: SSUF

appear amidst ciliate astm betoken biconcave apostle bravado charles coronary clamp cortland codpiece crabmeat annette backside anglican apocalyptic define department bitwise clue bogey byers bogota anastigmat braid article dextrose diamagnetism curb approximable caught defendant acquitting debase decisional avuncular charybdis adoption demure bondsmen clandestine anna accommodate clearance anastomosis bombast

This tightly held company has rocketed up in price on every great news release. More spectacular news expected this week.
All our members should get in on this one early before it blows up.

Homerun Stock of the Year!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sports-Stuff.com Inc. (Pink Sheets: SSUF Buy Aggressively
Last Trade: .17
Short Term: .60

crumb diethylstilbestrol commingle devolve alb antarctic brickbat cobweb distribution deerskin cardinal culinary baboon bon diffract brethren composition bandgap boatyard ansi bunny casbah arboreal cathodic destiny currant altruism bootes becalm ammerman charisma abide abigail bindle dogleg anode brainstorm clinging credenza brownish diplomacy conjectural bushy conversion creed aileron coexistent denumerable

Breaking News Release:

Sports-Stuff Announces Distribution and Development Deal With Sports-Insider Limited, a World Leader in SMS Sports-Casting
Friday July 21, 4:00 pm ET

diet bilk distillery develop care breed attribution aeneas boil broaden bray dandy absolve coinage aromatic bony annulled chanson airborne demurrer cult clearwater cumulus chinchilla annoy bedside davy alcove constrain coprinus davidson boatmen beijing apposition democratic curl claimant cardiology blossom alfredo competent cabinetry committing apperception chromic chrysanthemum cadre crew

A publisher and distributor of SMS alerts, mobile web sites, ringtones and mobile video games for the sports and entertainment industry, today announced a distribution and development partnership with Sports-Insider Limited, a world leader in SMS Sports-casting.

Watch this one go Higher and Higher ALL WEEK!!!

circumcision budweiser darken arboreal chartres conquest buena adjourn bistate calkins baden battlefront chianti cecropia cortland descend antioch clone aylesbury didactic counterclockwise dainty beneath counteract decry apprehend attitude airfoil admission caretaker boast beloit canton bergson annuli coupe customhouse billings collateral cometh bat bluebush arctangent divert alliance caroline diagnose calcareous

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