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Re: [Aeskulap-users] 0.2.1 crash

From: Bryson Borg
Subject: Re: [Aeskulap-users] 0.2.1 crash
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 21:55:04 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070306)

Hello everyone

To see how the program works, I used the --force-architecture to install the i386 .deb binary package on my amd64 ubuntu dapper setup. I then made an i386 ubuntu chroot to get some of the lib32 items I needed. Its working, and has a nice, clean interface. I am a radiologist who uses PACS extensively and, while my work and family do not leave time for much coding, I would be very happy to work with the developers on usability and design, if that would be valued.

Thanks again.


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