Jaft writes:
> Nala writes:
>> I think what you're looking for is make-table-modifier, however, the> delete operation is missing somehow, I may forgot to add it.
> Oh, cool; adding to an already existing make-table- function makes this a lot easier.
>> The modifications in mysql/postgresql/sqlite3 are different, so we have> to take care of them.
> They are? Granted, I haven't done a lot of extensive SQL but I thought they all followed the basic
> DELETE FROM <table_name>WHERE <condition>;
I haven't checked the differences, but you may see what I've done for
other operation like alter/drop...etc. Usually, there's slightly
difference in SQL syntax. Although you may only focus on MySQL/MariaDB
for this PR, you may want to have a look around others.
>> The FPRM is still experimental and not well tested yet, but I encourage> you to report any exceptions.
> Funnily enough, – not directly in the fprm.scm file but used by it – I noticed in ssql.scm that both the last option for both sql-update and sql-delete call ->where with the WHERE portions being run through sql-where before being sent to ->where (lines 173 and 186).
> But ->where uses sql-where in both possible cases so you end up basically sending a string to sql-where in ->where. I think line 173 is supposed to be
> (->where end (sql-update table set pairs) rest ...)
> and line 186
> (->where end (sql-delete from table) rest ...)
> If I'm correct, would you want me to create a PR to correct those? Or just roll those fixes into the PR for deleting rows in FPRM?
I think you're right!
It's a bug, and I think you can create a PR for it.
I'm looking forward to our new contributor. ;-)
> Finally, should I fork from master and make the PR to there or use another branch? My assumption is master but just thought I should double check.
For this thread, I think there should be 2 independent PR.
And yes you can fork master branch.
For now, it's OK to use fork. If we have more contributors, I'd like to
use branch-based PR. Anyway, let's focus on fork-based PR right now.
Best regards.
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