On 4/12/06, Gary Setter <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Gary,
Your static_filters.src.cpp doesn't look very good to me.
I knew you'd say that !! But I can't see why this file got stuck in the gen/ subdir and why it stayed that way.
In the tar ball I downloaded (aspell-0.60.4.tar.gz 11/1/05) I had
several amf files under this directory.
Please take a look at a listing of your tar archive and see if
you have them. You may need to reinstall.
Btw, I had a problem installing under cygwin. The parts of the
script that piped to the sort function hung on me. When I removed
strings like "| sort", I had a successful build. Keep in mind I'm
working from a memory that is not always reliable!
I didn't see anything of the like when I installed it.
You ask what changes I made to Aspell. Good changes! Mostly my
changes were to make it compile with VC6 and Borlands BCB5.5.
Mostly, Aspell is a text application that depends on clib and
making it compatible with popular compilers makes it much more
useful. I also made my own library functions for parsing the text
to be checked. See aspell_speller_word_seperator_length() and