David wrote:
> Stephen,
> I was looking first into coes project but I was surpissed about such
> tokens delimitor, because I don't understand well what does mean:
> /VX,/P,/S, /RTVX, /LVX, etc. I replace them by nothing, but I don't know
> if I am doing well.
> Any way when I compile the word list with:
> http://www.xmlmind.com/spellchecker/dictbuilder.shtml
> it works, but the resulting dictionary is very poor, it doesn't reconize
> simple words. That is why I was trying to the word list directly from
> Aspell, especting to get a better input.
> Thanks,
> David
>I don't understand what you are trying to do? What you wrote
like you wanted to get the words from Aspell so that you could build
a Spanish dictionary? Did you already get the precompiled spanish
dictionary from
http://apell.net/win32/ aspell-es-0.50-2-3.exe ?
Not exactly, I need a word list in order to compile it for another application.
then to use it on Xml Oxygen editor:
I have installed Aspell and Spanish dictionary (win32).
I have obtained the spanish word list from some mentioned web pages, but I get a
very poor dictionary quality. That is why I was thinking about to get the word list directly from Aspell especting to get a better quality, but I get some problem for invoking some of the command you recomend.
>Are you trying to use extra-dicts, English and Spanish?
That works with Linux but I am not sure about Windows.
I am working for win32, the spanish dictionary I have installed just for getting the word list from it, but I have problems for getting the wordlist from aspell directly, but I have same problem for getting the default dictionary word list.
From one of the wordlist I have downloaded, I have eliminated some spetial tokens like: \VX, \P, \S, but after compiling it then I get a poor dictionary on Xml Oxygen Editor.
Do you have any idea?
thanks for your interest,