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[Aspell-user] Re: aspell

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: [Aspell-user] Re: aspell
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:34:41 -0600 (MDT)

[CCing address@hidden

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006, Roland Illig wrote:

Hello Kevin,

I am trying to install GNU aspell 0.60.4 on Solaris via pkgsrc (, and I am seeing a big problem. The shared library uses symbols from the C++ standard library, which makes it impossible to link it against simple C programs. For example I have to enter the following line to build gtkspell, which depends on aspell:
   bmake CC=g++ PKGSRC_COMPILER=gcc USE_LANGUAGES="c c++" LIBS=-lstdc++

although I'd rather like that line to be simply


The package gtkspell normally only needs a C compiler, but I had to override the C compiler with the C++ compiler, which I find very ugly.
Other packages solve this problem by providing a C-only library called and a C++ wrapper library called or
Aspell is written in C++.  But you should be able to use the shared 
library with C programs:
  bmake LIBS=-lstdc++
should work. You shouldn't need to use a C++ compiler, just make sure the proper C++ libraries are linked in.

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