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Re: [Aspell-user] Wannabe dict mantainer

From: Kevin Atkinson
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] Wannabe dict mantainer
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 05:29:51 -0700 (MST)

Hi, I'm the Official Aspell Maintainer. Sorry for net getting back to you sooner.
On Sun, 5 Nov 2006, Leonardo Fontenelle wrote:

Raimundo Moura, the OOo pt_BR dict maintainer, is also kind of
maintaining a/the OOo pt_PT dictionary, which might be very convenient
for me :) I'll ask him for more information on that.

Could you please tell me how to generate a pt-common file?
It may be better to split pt in two dictionary packages.  Could you tell 
me the relationship between pt_BR and pt_PT?
If they are two be combined they will need to use the same affix file...

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