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Re: another problem folding.el

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: another problem folding.el
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 15:12:28 +0900

Hi Uwe,

>>>>> Uwe Brauer <> writes:
> I am using folding.el for more than 10 years.
> It allows you to well fold text, in a very general highly configurable way.

> The fold marks are defined for, yes latex-mode

> (folding-add-to-marks-list 'latex-mode             "%{{{"   "%}}}" nil t)

> So now, with the latest merge, there is a problem with the new
> auctex-latex-mode when I try to fold a text folding mode complains that
> the top folding marks is missing.

> I just checked the commit just before the merge behaves as usuall

> I tried to add

> (folding-add-to-marks-list 'LaTeX-mode             "%{{{"   "%}}}" nil t)

> But that did not help. I will contact the folding maintainters, but is
> there anything I need to tell them?

It seems that folding.el contains similar entry already. All I can think
of is this portion of folding.el:
  ;;  XEmacs latex-mode, after (tex-site), indents the whole
  ;;  fold 50 characters right. Don't do that.

  (unless (string-match "latex" (symbol-name major-mode))
This conditional now yields nil for AUCTeX LaTeX-mode because
`string-match' distinguishes cases by default.

Ikumi Keita
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