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Re: Drop tarball releases and go ELPA only

From: Ikumi Keita
Subject: Re: Drop tarball releases and go ELPA only
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 14:45:50 +0900

Hi Arash,

>>>>> Arash Esbati <> writes:
> I recommend the latter: Delete the couple of v14 changes we have, move
> the entire chapter into history.texi and delete changes.texi.

OK, done.

>> Does this count as a matter we should sort out? If so, I suppose we
>> should add
>> (require 'tex)
>> in auctex.el.

> Why should we load that huge file at startup?  Am I missing something?

I suppose that usres of `use-package' who impose immediate loading on
purpose think that
"I always use package foo in my emacs session and want to use it without
autoloading delay when I begin to work on matters requiring foo. For me,
loading foo.el always happens sooner or later, and I don't care the
increment of emacs startup time. Thus foo should be loaded at emacs
(For AUCTeX, such users might as well do
(use-package latex
  :after (tex))

> We could replace that with the FIXME added by Stefan M.:

> (require 'tex-site
>          (expand-file-name "tex-site.el"
>                            (file-name-directory load-file-name)))

> which is probably redundant: The feature tex-site is t when use-package
> loads auctex.el and the form does nothing, but it is still much less
> heavy than loading tex.el.

It couldn't actually be in that form when we had to ensure that
(unload-feature 'tex-site)
to work for configure&make installation, but now we can.
Hmm, it would be better for local Git repo users who still have
(load "~/Development/auctex/auctex.el nil t t)
in their config, than just removing the relevant code as I suggested...?

Ikumi Keita
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