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master 192f201f 2/2: Add new style/microtype.el

From: Arash Esbati
Subject: master 192f201f 2/2: Add new style/microtype.el
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:35:06 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 192f201f969de321dc44dd9367175d78b692a9eb
Author: Arash Esbati <>
Commit: Arash Esbati <>

    Add new style/microtype.el
    * (STYLESRC): Add new style.
    * style/microtype.el: New file.
---        |   2 +-
 style/microtype.el | 240 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index dc76b35d..d62644f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
           style/ifpdf.el     style/iftex.el     style/ifvtex.el \
           style/ifxetex.el   style/multibib.el  style/ltcaption.el \
           style/keyval.el    style/kvoptions.el style/kvsetkeys.el \
-          style/proc.el
+          style/proc.el      style/microtype.el
 STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
diff --git a/style/microtype.el b/style/microtype.el
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9287ccaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/microtype.el
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+;;; microtype.el --- AUCTeX style for `microtype.sty'  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Arash Esbati <>
+;; Maintainer:
+;; Created: 2022-06-19
+;; Keywords: tex
+;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
+;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+;; MA 02110-1301 USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file adds support for `microtype.sty' v3.0e form 2022-06-20.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'tex)
+(require 'latex)
+;; Silence the compiler:
+(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
+                  "font-latex"
+                  (keywords class))
+(defvar LaTeX-microtype-key-val-options
+  '(;; 3.1 Enabling the micro-typographic features
+    ("protrusion" ("true" "false" "compatibility" "nocompatibility"
+                   "all"  "alltext" "allmath"
+                   "alltext-nott"   "allmath-nott"
+                   "basictext"      "basicmath"
+                   "smallcaps" "footnotesize" "scriptsize" "normalfont"))
+    ("expansion"  ("true" "false" "compatibility" "nocompatibility"
+                   "all"  "alltext" "allmath"
+                   "alltext-nott"   "allmath-nott"
+                   "basictext"      "basicmath"
+                   "smallcaps" "footnotesize" "scriptsize" "normalfont"))
+    ("activate"   ("true" "false" "compatibility" "nocompatibility"))
+    ("tracking"   ("true" "false"
+                   "all"  "alltext" "allmath"
+                   "alltext-nott"   "allmath-nott"
+                   "basictext"      "basicmath"
+                   "smallcaps" "footnotesize" "scriptsize" "normalfont"))
+    ("kerning"    ("true" "false"
+                   "all"  "alltext" "allmath"
+                   "alltext-nott"   "allmath-nott"
+                   "basictext"      "basicmath"
+                   "smallcaps" "footnotesize" "scriptsize" "normalfont"))
+    ("spacing"    ("true" "false"
+                   "all"  "alltext" "allmath"
+                   "alltext-nott"   "allmath-nott"
+                   "basictext"      "basicmath"
+                   "smallcaps" "footnotesize" "scriptsize" "normalfont"))
+    ;; 3.2 Character protrusion
+    ("factor")
+    ("patch"   ("all" "none" "item" "toc" "footnote" "eqnum"))
+    ("nopatch" ("all" "none" "item" "toc" "footnote" "eqnum"))
+    ("unit")
+    ;; 3.3 Font expansion
+    ("auto" ("true" "false"))
+    ("stretch")
+    ("step")
+    ("selected" ("true" "false"))
+    ;; 3.4 Tracking
+    ("letterspace")
+    ;; 3.5 Miscellaneous options
+    ("disable" ("true" "false" "ifdraft"))
+    ("verbose" ("true" "false" "errors" "silent"))
+    ("babel" ("true" "false"))
+    ;; "config" is allowed only when the package is loaded, so we add
+    ;; it below:
+    ;; ("config")
+    ("DVIoutput" ("true" "false")))
+  "Key=value options for microtype package.")
+ "microtype"
+ (lambda ()
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    '("microtypesetup"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-microtype-key-val-options))
+    ;; 4 Selecting fonts for micro-typography
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeSet"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple ("protrusion" "expansion"
+                                         "tracking" "kerning" "spacing")
+                                        "Features"]
+      "Set name"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("encoding") ("family") ("series")
+                        ("shape")    ("size")   ("font"))))
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeSet*"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple ("protrusion" "expansion"
+                                         "tracking" "kerning" "spacing")
+                                        "Features"]
+      "Set name"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("encoding") ("family") ("series")
+                        ("shape")    ("size")   ("font"))))
+    '("UseMicrotypeSet"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple ("protrusion" "expansion"
+                                         "tracking" "kerning" "spacing")
+                                        "Features"]
+      "Set name")
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault"
+      [TeX-arg-completing-read-multiple ("protrusion" "expansion"
+                                         "tracking" "kerning" "spacing")
+                                        "Features"]
+      "Set name")
+    ;; 5.1 Character protrusion
+    '("SetProtrusion"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("name") ("load") ("factor") ("unit") ("preset")
+                        ("inputenc") ("context"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.2 Font expansion
+    '("SetExpansion"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("name") ("load") ("factor") ("unit") ("preset")
+                        ("inputenc") ("context")
+                        ("auto") ("stretch") ("shrink") ("step"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.3 Tracking
+    '("SetTracking"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("name") ("unit") ("context") ("spacing")
+                        ("outer spacing") ("outer kerning") ("no ligatures"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.4 Additional kerning
+    '("SetExtraKerning"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("name") ("load") ("factor") ("preset") ("inputenc")
+                        ("unit") ("context"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.5 Interword spacing
+    '("SetExtraSpacing"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("name") ("load") ("factor") ("preset")
+                        ("inputenc") ("context") ("unit"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.6 Character inheritance
+    '("DeclareCharacterInheritance"
+      [TeX-arg-key-val (("inputenc"))]
+      2)
+    ;; 5.7 Configuration files
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeVariants" t)
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeVariants*" t)
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeAlias" "Font name" "Alias name")
+    '("LoadMicrotypeFile" "Font name")
+    ;; 6 Context-sensitive setup
+    '("microtypecontext"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("protrusion") ("expansion") ("activate")
+                        ("tracking") ("spacing") ("kerning"))))
+    '("textmicrotypecontext"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("protrusion") ("expansion") ("activate")
+                        ("tracking") ("spacing") ("kerning")))
+      "Text")
+    '("DeclareMicrotypeBabelHook"
+      "Language(s)"
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("protrusion") ("expansion") ("activate")
+                        ("tracking") ("spacing") ("kerning"))))
+    ;; 7 Letterspacing revisited
+    '("textls" ["Amount"] "Text")
+    "lsstyle"
+    '("lslig" "Ligature")
+    ;; 8 Disabling ligatures
+    '("DisableLigatures" ["Characters"] t)
+    ;; 9 Being pedantic about protrusion
+    '("leftprotrusion" "Text")
+    '("rightprotrusion" "Text")
+    "noprotrusion"
+    "noprotrusionifhmode")
+   (LaTeX-add-environments
+    '("microtypecontext" LaTeX-env-args
+      (TeX-arg-key-val (("protrusion") ("expansion") ("activate")
+                        ("tracking") ("spacing") ("kerning")))))
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
+              (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("microtypesetup"      "{")
+                                ("DeclareMicrotypeSet" "*[{{")
+                                ("UseMicrotypeSet"     "[{")
+                                ("DeclareMicrotypeSetDefault"  "[{")
+                                ("SetProtrusion"       "[{{")
+                                ("SetExpansion"        "[{{")
+                                ("SetTracking"         "[{{")
+                                ("SetExtraKerning"     "[{{")
+                                ("SetExtraSpacing"     "[{{")
+                                ("DeclareCharacterInheritance" "[{{")
+                                ("DeclareMicrotypeVariants"    "*{")
+                                ("DeclareMicrotypeAlias"       "{{")
+                                ("LoadMicrotypeFile"   "{")
+                                ("microtypecontext"    "{")
+                                ("DeclareMicrotypeBabelHook"   "{{")
+                                ("DisableLigatures"    "[{"))
+                              'function)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("textmicrotypecontext" "{{")
+                                ("textls"   "*[{"))
+                              'textual)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("textls"   "*[{"))
+                              'type-command)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '("lsstyle")
+                              'type-declaration)))
+ TeX-dialect)
+(defun LaTeX-microtype-package-options ()
+  "Read the microtype package options from the user."
+  (TeX-read-key-val t (append
+                       '((config))
+                       LaTeX-microtype-key-val-options)))
+;;; microtype.el ends here

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