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Re: [AUCTeX] Latex-fill-buffer'ing this tex document crashes auctex/emac

From: thomas
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Latex-fill-buffer'ing this tex document crashes auctex/emacs
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 13:46:30 +0200

2006/7/11, Ralf Angeli <address@hidden>:
* thomas (2006-07-10) writes:

> When I Latex-fill-buffer this document
> [], auctex/emacs freezes
> completely.
> More Info :

Could you please send such things directly to the list next time?
Having to download them is a nuisance.

OK, sorry

I don't have the same problem.  I checked this with a CVS version
of AUCTeX, version 11.83 and version 11.82 (which the output of
`TeX-submit-bug-report' seems to indicate you are using).  In every
case it was an error (which I fixed in CVS and which you can work
around by adding a linebreak at the end of the file), not a freeze.

That is _not_ the same problem. I am experiencing a freeze and then I
have to kill emacs. Adding a linebreak at the end of the file does not
solve this.
If you don't believe me, check this videoshot: (I'm linking it,
since it's 500KB).
I upgraded my debian etch packages today, so I have now auctex
11.83-2, and the bug is still there. Look, it looks really strange:

1) If the tex file contains these lines, there is a freeze:

2) If the commented line is a bit shorter, there is no freeze:

3) If the commented line is not in an appendix, there is no freeze.


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