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Re: [AUCTeX] preview crashes

From: nusret
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] preview crashes
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 15:01:37 -0700 (PDT)

Menu handling certainly raised my suspicion. Not only
because the crashes almost always (I'm not sure
though: I cannot say always) after some menu
interaction, I also noticed the following:
I noticed that when I start emacs, very briefly the
menu bar showed the duplicates of all the items on it.
Then it became clear when I navigated through the lisp
reference. When i move the mouse with a moderate to
fast pace up and down over a bunch of links, screen
update becomes very annoying and noticeable. But also,
if you keep an eye on the menu bar and could stop
moving the mouse fast enough just over or below the
bunch of links, you'll see the same effect very
clearly. For axample,

File Menu2 Menu3 ... Help File Menu2 Menu3 ... Help

The duplicates on the right stay there and if you
don't click anywhere else and go straight to these
newborns, you can even click on them: they're
highlighted, but when you click, they quickly

Now, obviously this is not as serious as a crash, yet
it clearly shows that there is a problem in menu
handling and it manifests itself in sophisticated
enough modes very severely.

I have also another issue: the font sizes of the
preview images under emacs are very very small.
Without any special configuration, the same document
is very pleasant under Xemacs 21.4.19, but under emacs
images certainly don't match the surrounding fon't
size. Did you notice this? is it intentional?

Thank you for your attention to the preview problem.


--- Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> wrote:

> * Ralf Angeli (2006-07-27) writes:
> > * David Kastrup (2006-07-27) writes:
> >
> >> Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> writes:
> >>
> >>> Thanks for the report.  I could reproduce the
> crash and sent a bug
> >>> report including a reference to your message to
> emacs-pretest-bug.
> >>
> >> Any idea whether this is Windows-only?
> >
> > If the backtrace I produced shows the correct
> location of the crash,
> > it crashes in a function specific to the Windows
> port.
> The same could be true for a potential menu
> corruption happening
> before the crash if it is in menu-handling code.
> -- 
> Ralf
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