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[AUCTeX] Re: help write a function?

From: Sebastian P. Luque
Subject: [AUCTeX] Re: help write a function?
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2006 13:53:48 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 20:45:11 +0200,
Ralf Angeli <address@hidden> wrote:


> Which extension does the file have?

It's a *.pdf file, so it's in 'TeX-search-files', as well as the other
files in that tree.  I haven't yet figured out what might be going on.

> The function call for finding all available files is (TeX-search-files
> nil '("dvi" "pdf" "ps" "txt" "html") t t) if you want to play with that.
> (Note that the list of extension you see here is not used directly in
> the kpathsea case.  The real list of extensions is in
> `TeX-kpathsea-format-alist'.)

I'd like to use xpdf for viewing *.pdf files, gv for *.ps and *.dvi, and
emacs-w3m for *.html.  TeX-doc is launching mozilla to view html and
acroread for pdf¹.  I have 'browse-url' set to emacs-w3m, and most Emacs
libraries I'm using take whatever value this is set to.  How can we tell
TeX-doc to use 'browse-url' and where can the other viewers be specified?
Thanks in advance.


+---- *Footnotes* ----+
¹ Don't know about the others yet


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