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[AUCTeX] Make AUCTeX aware a new verbatim environment

From: Leo
Subject: [AUCTeX] Make AUCTeX aware a new verbatim environment
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 00:51:08 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Hi there,

I use listings to define an environment like this:


However, AUCTeX didn't recognise it as a verbatim environment leaving me
accidentally adding space in it, which then was included literally. It
will be very helpful to get the visual hint if AUCTeX can treat it like
the verbatim environment. Ideas?

Thank you.

.:  Leo  :.  [ sdl.web AT ]  .: I use Emacs :.

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