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[AUCTeX] Problem customizing engine for preview-latex

From: Mirko Vukovic
Subject: [AUCTeX] Problem customizing engine for preview-latex
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 14:50:22 -0400

I am trying to use a custom format (includes preloaded beamer and
tikz) for preview latex.  But the _report_.tex does not compile when
doing an environment preview (C-c C-p C-e).  I suspect the problem is
in my customization.

For that I have modified the preview-LaTeX command.

I am including contents of three files:
 - I am including the tex file with its local definitions.  This file
compiles cleanly.
 - prevew-latex's log
 - the _region_.tex file that compiles cleanly

Here is the tex file.  At the file bottom are customizations for
TeX-command-default and preview-LaTeX-command

\iffalse %% to alert auctex to the document class



    a=\frac{1}{2}  %%%%%%%% C-c C-p C-e executed here


%%% Local variables:
%%% TeX-command-default: "BmrTkzTeX"
%%% preview-LaTeX-command: ("bmrtkztex
\"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\\PassOptionsToPackage{" ("," .
preview-default-preamble "\\fi}\"%' %t")
%%% End:

And here is the log file:

Running `Preview-LaTeX' on `_region_' with ``bmrtkztex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (MiKTeX 2.8)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, lo

No auxiliary output files.

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
<*> ...tions,footnotes]{preview}[2004/11/05]\fi} _

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.

etc ...

Finally, the file _region_.tex

\message{ !name(foo.tex)}\iffalse


\message{ !name(foo.tex) !offset(2) }
\message{ !name(foo.tex) !offset(2) }


%%% Local variables:
%%% TeX-command-default: "BmrTkzTeX"
%%% preview-LaTeX-command: ("bmrtkztex
\"\\nonstopmode\\nofiles\\PassOptionsToPackage{" ("," .
preview-default-preamble "\\fi}\"%' %t")
%%% End:

So to summarize:

- I have modified the preview-LaTeX-command
- preview file does not compile when called by preview-LaTeX
- preview file compiles when called by the custom format by itself.

Therefore, please help with customizing the preview-LaTeX-command.


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