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Re: [AUCTeX] Long loading time

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] Long loading time
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 08:40:05 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130012 (Ma Gnus v0.12) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Milius <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Stefan,

> I have recently installed emacs 24.4 with auctex 11.88.4 on my
> notebook running windows 8, and I am experiencing very long loading
> times (>= 10sec) when starting auctex (first load of any .tex file or
> simply Alt-X latex-mode in any buffer).

It's not the first time I've heared people having such issues.  I think,
I've also read that on SX from some Mac guy.  Unfortunately, I cannot
reproduce that.

> Does anyone on this list know how to deal with this problem and speed
> up loading?

Well, such a load long time is not intended so I consider that a bug.
So let's try to find the culprit.

So you say that this happens only when you find a tex-file the very
first time in an emacs session, right?

Could you please follow this recipe:

  1. emacs -Q
  2. M-x package-initialize RET    ;; will add AUCTeX autoloads
  3. M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET
  4. C-x C-f some/file.tex         ;; now the hang should start
  5. Wait a second, then do C-g

LABEL: This will put you into the debugger.  In there, append the
backtrace to some file.  Then hit `c' to resume exection, wait another
second, and hit C-g again. GOTO LABEL; ;-)

Then send us the file with the about 10 backtraces.  That will show at
which part of the code it gets stuck.

What you can also do is use the emacs profiler.

  1. emacs -Q
  2. M-x package-initialize RET    ;; will add AUCTeX autoloads
  3. M-x profiler-start RET cpu RET
  4. C-x C-f some/file.tex         ;; now the hang should start

As soon as AUCTeX has loaded, do `M-x profiler-report RET'.  This will
show a buffer with functions sorted according to overall runtime.  By
clicking on the + symbols you can expand them to see which functions
were called by a function and their runtimes.  Please expand all the
top-expensive functions recursively, and then send us the buffer


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