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Re: [AUCTeX] auctex buttons in emacs tool-bar

From: Miguel V. S. Frasson
Subject: Re: [AUCTeX] auctex buttons in emacs tool-bar
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 12:56:27 +0000

Dear Sereyya

The separator is a bad feature, doesn't work on some versions os Emacs (like macos) and now another issue. I suggest drop the use of the separator when it doesn't work.

Best regards


Em seg, 24 de abr de 2017 às 22:35, Sureyya Sahin <address@hidden> escreveu:

I am trying to use the emacs tool-bar on the left as opposed to top
(default); however, when I choose this, I end up having the auctex
toolbar separator to remain vertical instead of transforming to
horizontal when the tool-bar of emacs is on the left side (or right
side). In this configuration, the separator occupies too much of space
and I am not happy with this.

My question is whether to file a bug or whether there is a workaround.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.

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