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ConTeXt: AUCTex vs lsp

From: Saša Janiška
Subject: ConTeXt: AUCTex vs lsp
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2020 10:35:32 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.10; emacs 26.3


I've settled to use Emacs for both my writings and codings and I see
that there is tendency in many editors to use LSP servers for completion

in regard to AUCTeX, I want to use/write ConTeXt markup and wonder
whether its support is better/superior than via some lsp-powered package?

(I was playing a bit with digestif server which does have some support
for ConTeXt in comparison with e.g. TexLab, but the performance was not


As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water,
even one of the roaming senses on which the mind
focuses can carry away a man's intelligence.

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