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Re: AUCTeX does not ask for width for \includegraphics macro anymore

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: AUCTeX does not ask for width for \includegraphics macro anymore
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 07:36:04 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.22; emacs 30.0.50

Kourosh Kalayeh <> writes:

>> I do, too, so just using those two shouldn't be problematic. BTW,
>> during key-val completion (through multi-prompt-key-value) I see no
>> sign of vertico/maginalia, i.e., no vertical display of completion
>> candidates but just standard Completions buffer on hitting TAB
>> multiple times.
> I think I was able to pin down the issue. As you suspect, it was not
> due to Vertico or Marginilia. I think it is due to orderless. With
> minimal orderless setup as below, the optional arguments to
> \includegraphics macro is not working as expected in AUCTeX. Any
> suggestion or workaround?

I guess you could do something like

  (add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (setq-local completion-styles '(basic))))

i.e., ensure that orderless is not in `completion-styles' in TeX
buffers.  Of course, then you'd not have orderless completion with
normal symbol (non-key-val) completion, too.

Please also report it to the orderless maintainers.  Tell them that
AUCTeX `multi-prompt-key-value' [1] seems to misbehave with orderless in
that it doesn't strictly complete key=val but also val=key, key=key, and
val=val.  In a sense, orderless is doing what it advertises, ignoring
the order.  But maybe they can find a fix.  If not, I guess, AUCTeX can
add a workaround and let-bind completion-styles to a value without
orderless during multi-prompt-key-value.  Please Cc me in the report by
mentioning me with @tsdh.



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