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Re: DDE support of AUCTeX.

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: DDE support of AUCTeX.
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2023 09:55:13 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.0; emacs 30.0.50

Tassilo Horn <> writes:

>> I noticed on the wiki [1], which says that the DDE support is absent
>> in AUCTeX, as shown in the attachment. I wonder whether this is true.
>> [1]
> Reading [Note 8] suggests that with DDE forward/backward sync via other
> means than command-line arguments is meant.  If that's the case, then
> AUCTeX does have support for that with certain viewers, e.g., AUCTeX and
> Evince and its derivatives such as Atril communicate via DBUS (if
> available), AUCTeX and pdf-tools communicate directly via Lisp.

Well, after reading the DDL article: if the statement is limited to that
concrete implementation of inter-process communication used in early
versions of MS windows and OS/2, then the "No" for AUCTeX is obviously


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