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Automake minor feature - comparison operator on version check of python.

From: Heyberger Ludovic
Subject: Automake minor feature - comparison operator on version check of python.m4
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:35:23 +0200

It is not currently possible to select a specific python version. If
python-2.3 and python-2.4 are installed, you get python-2.4.
This patch adds comparisons operators in a backward compatible way
that allows to say : "I want python-2.3 and nothing else".

The work is not significant (lacks originality) and I am not allowed
to claim copyright on it. Therefore there is no point in signing a
copyright assignment. The GPL compliance lab of the FSF can confirm
this if needed.

The description of the new feature:

.m4/python.m4: When using AM_PATH_PYTHON macro you can now specify a
AM_PATH_PYTHON will cause an error if the version of python installed
on the system doesn't meet the requirement. VERSION-CONSTRAINT should
consist of an operator (>=, <=, =, >, <) followed by a version (1, 2,
2.3, 2.4, 1.5.2 etc.) Examples: >2.3, =2.2, >=1.5.1 ... If the
operator is omitted, it defaults to >= (i.e. 2.3 is equivalent to

The Changelog entry:

2005-09-30  Ludovic Heyberger  <address@hidden>

        * m4/python.m4 (AM_PATH_PYTHON): Added python version constraint

The NEWS entry:

  - AM_PATH_PYTHON now supports a VERSION-CONSTRAINT argument.
    =2.3 will find python2.3 even if python2.4 is available.
    It is backward compatible, 2.3 is understood as >=2.3.

Attached in this mail, you will find:
- python.m4.patch (./m4/python.m4)
- automake.texi.patch (./doc/automake.texi)
- python13.test (./tests/python13.test)
- python14.test (./tests/python14.test)

Just let me know if you need explanations about details of this
patch. The patches and tests are against the CVS tree of 2005 Sep 30.

Attachment: python.m4.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: automake.texi.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: python13.test
Description: Binary data

Attachment: python14.test
Description: Binary data

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