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Re: [avr-chat] Getting started

From: Rick Altherr
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] Getting started
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 15:57:26 -0800

On Jan 4, 2008, at 3:50 PM, J D Freeman wrote:

On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 03:09:07PM -0800, Rick Altherr wrote:
If your switch is betwen PD0 and +5V, why do you need the pullups enabled? That would make it always be +5V since when the switch is off, it would be
pulled up by the pull-ups.

Reading the datasheet, setting PORTD to zero should disable the pullups.
To be sure, I tried adding a line to force it:


This makes no difference.

So, either I am not setting the pin's up properly. OR, I am not reading
from them correctly. Or both.

I was basing my comment on the code comments. They said the pullups were being enabled. They should not be. In fact, you should have a pull-down externally for robustness otherwise the inputs will float and could cause spurious triggering. You could also use the internal pullups and connect the switch between PD0 and GND which would invert the logic, but would avoid an extra external component.

So, every iteration through the loop, PD0 is checked to see if it is
Because of the above, it always is.  Then, it toggles PC4.  Depending
how fast the clock is going, this could easily be toggling at a rate
the naked eye cannot see.  For a 1MHz part, it could take 4 cycles to
an iteration of the loop, so the LED would be toggling at 250KHz, or
another way, would have a 50% duty cycle at 125KHz.

That makes sense. Sticking a delay in the loop just makes it sit there
and flash.


AVR-chat mailing list

Rick Altherr

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