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Re: [avr-chat] JTAG Debug

From: David Kelly
Subject: Re: [avr-chat] JTAG Debug
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 06:36:31 -0600

On Nov 20, 2008, at 1:51 AM, <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm sorry you seem to had such problems with the tools. There are
many other people who have never run across such difficulties, or at
least had got their issues resolved.

I agree with David (Van Horn) that AVR Studio and JTAG ICE MkII can't always be trusted. Unfortunately that's a common problem with development tools. Compared to other tools the AVR tools are not so bad, I think. And as far as I know the other tools don't have Joerg.

CodeWarrior lied to me yesterday. Said the contents of a variable did not change when I knew it had. The contents of its address were as expected but the symbolic value had the previous value.

David Kelly N4HHE, address@hidden
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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