Hi Bob,
basically you have to use same version as mentioned at SOURCES.README, since there are many incompatibilities with new ones. One solution is compile same version of binutils, gcc and so on and install them to temporary folder. Then change $PATH and other variables in current console and then run avr toolchain script (it really helps a lot). I think you will have to also do some minor changes in this script, since there are some shell incompatibilities (as I remember, I have to change some paths to gmp, mpc and mpfr sources). I used following command for running script (be sure you know parameters meaning!):
sh build-avr32-gnu-toolchain.sh -b bld/ -p install/ -s src/ -H x86_64-linux -B x86_64-linux
I used gcc 4.9 or something like this and it worked. However I have to used same automake and texinfo. It takes me one Sunday afternoon, but I made it :D