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Re: [avr-libc-dev] Remarks about demo project

From: E. Weddington
Subject: Re: [avr-libc-dev] Remarks about demo project
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 12:47:30 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)

Dimon Ignatyev wrote:

1)If i copy the text of the demo project, that included in avr-libs manual, and 
compile and link it EXACTLY as it written, the .elf file is 4,5 KB size, that 
exeed AT90S2313 memory two times!
2) Why do I get 1,2 KB .elf file compilng two-instruction asm program?
The ELF file contains many things, including the executable code and debugging information as well. The ELF file does not get loaded onto your device. Use avr-objcopy to convert to an Intel Hex format for use in loading the firmware to the AVR.

I would suggest that you use MFile:
This helps you to generate a Makefile for your AVR project and it contains many helpful items where it automatically generates the files that you need. MFile can be used on a variety of systems as well.


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