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[Bayonne-devel] Re: how to test the soundcard module

From: David Sugar
Subject: [Bayonne-devel] Re: how to test the soundcard module
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 22:21:58 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.5 (Macintosh/20050711)

Let's see on posix:

soundcard/0: state=idle, event=100, seq=0
soundcard msgport starting
binding ivrscript...
compiled ring; 4 steps
compiler scanning /usr/local/share/bayonne/ivrscript1
1 applications compiled
driver(s) started; 1 timeslot(s) used
soundcard/0: state=idle, event=105, seq=1
soundcard/0: state=pickup, event=100, seq=1
soundcard/0: state=pickup, event=400, seq=2
soundcard/0: state=run, event=100, seq=2
soundcard/0: state=hangup, event=100, seq=2
soundcard/0: state=hangup, event=400, seq=3
soundcard/0: state=idle, event=100, seq=3

You had a "start failed"...

This could be because you did not directly execute the script
(bayonne2.exe -vvvv test.scr)
and did not have an "assign" in your script.  It could also be a bug in
the way the
win32 parses and transcribes filenames for filenames passed to the
server.  I
would need to know which start method you used, whether you passed the
script name or not.

The "start failed" is ultimately from atttachStart(), and can be found
in engine/states.cpp
at 1390.  The "attachStart" is in session.cpp, and uses several methods
to locate a
script to run if none is passed, including scripts assigned through the
assign command.
You might try "assign.timeslot 1" in your script.

I also found the unknown keyword/3 steps compiled strange.  I did get 4
when I cut and pasted your example.

Actually I did not intend to "officially" distribute the 1.0 release for
simply because there was some issues (such as running as NT service) left
incomplete and inadquately tested, so I did not feel that met the
criteria for
"stable".  There should be nothing broken over the previous 0.x
releases, though.
With a little work by someone that knows w32 well, I do think it should
be possible to
make the current Bayonne release acceptably stable for w32 as well.

Yes, you needed the cape-1.3.20 because the version of ccscript3 was
to 1.0.0, and that had a few changes that were not backward compatible.

address@hidden wrote:
> hi, all
>       according to the comment, i have installed cape-1.3.20.exe, then 
> compiled bayonne2-1.0.0 with soundcard successfully. when the "space" key of 
> keyboard is down,
> bayonne cannot process this event correctly. 
> starting 0.3.1 on x86 w32; timeslots=32
> loading english translator
> soundcard/0: session starting
> soundcard/0: state=initial, event=100, seq=0
> soundcard/0: state=idle, event=100, seq=0
> binding ivrscript...
> compiler scanning C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\Bayonne IVRScript1
> test.scr(1): : unknown keyword
> compiled Bayonne IVRScript1/test; 3 steps
> compiler scanning C:\Program Files\GNU Telephony\Bayonne Scripts
> 1 applications compiled
> driver(s) started; 1 timeslot(s) used
> soundcard msgport starting
> tcpmon service started
> soundcard/0: state=idle, event=105, seq=1
> soundcard/0: start failed
> soundcard/0: state=idle, event=407, seq=2
> soundcard/0: state=ringing, event=100, seq=2
> soundcard/0: state=ringing, event=408, seq=3
> following is the test.scr
>       echo "HELLO"
>       exit
> ^1
>       echo "1"
>       exit

Attachment: dyfet.vcf
Description: Vcard

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