May 23rd — long illness. Why couldnt that have happened to him Because writers remember everything, Paul.
I have satisfied myself of that. Paul crawled over to his bed, pulling himself on his elbows, and got hold of the coverlet. Was he going to let it stay there, or was he going to be a man and sick the fucking thing up?
There was no Annie because Annie had not been a goddess at all, only a crazy lady who had hurt Paul for reasons of her own.
The woman identified in the clipping as Crysilda Berryman (Now theres a name worthy of a Misery novel, he thought) was Annies mother. She held a basket over one arm.
He discovered three things almost simultaneously, about ten days after having emerged from the dark cloud. Oh, what a variety of strange and poisonous flowers grew beside Annies version of that quaint old path!