Hi Teus,
I know what you mean. If I can figure out how to do it I'll let you
know. Puppy is very different in the way it does things.
The reason I'm interested is that I've seen Puppy run very well on
some old hardware. I even got at a 200 MHz machine with 32 MB of ram
to run with it. Couldn't do much but the fact that it even ran was
rather amazing. I'm wondering if this might make it possible to run BE
on older hardware or even off a flash drives which would make it very
portable. Just green-lighting.
If I get it going in a virtual machine I'll let you know. BTW, would
you be opposed to running it under QEMU? I've had better success with
trying to get Puppy going under that.
In Him,
Teus Benschop wrote:
Can't even manage to intall Puppy Linux under VMWare, else I would be
happy to try BE on it. Teus.
Dennis Drescher wrote:
Has anyone tried running BE in PuppyLinux? If so, I'd like to hear
your thoughts on that. Thanks!