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Re: [be] Installing BIbledit-Web

From: Teus Benschop
Subject: Re: [be] Installing BIbledit-Web
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 17:49:36 +0100
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Hi Tim,

It was the wrong command - - sorry.

It should have been:

drop database bibledit-web;

Quite sure you'll be happy after this last hurdle has been taken ...


On 12/29/2012 05:42 PM, Tim Beckedorf wrote:
Greetings Teus,

When I issued the command to drop the table, I received the error; "no
database selected"


On Dec 29, 2012, at 6:09 PM, Teus Benschop wrote:

Hi Tim,

Not sure why the phpmyadmin package does not show up at that URL.

Was the Apache web server restarted? It would restart after rebooting
the computer, or through:
sudo service apache2 restart

It the phpmyadmin web page does not yet show up, let's do the
modification in the database manually from the terminal.

Start the mysql client:
|mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password=yourMySQLpassword|
It will welcome you to the MySQL monitor.
Drop the entire bibledit-web database:
|drop table bibledit-web|;

After the table has been dropped (a rigorous measure indeed)
bibledit-web needs to be re-installed.

After this you'll happily be browsing through bibledit-web and start
enjoying the collaboration :-)


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