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[BiblioML] et Dublin Core non qualifié.

From: agnes godard
Subject: [BiblioML] et Dublin Core non qualifié.
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 12:07:32 +0200

Ci-dessous extrait d'un document déjà ancien (1998) mais que j'ai trouvé éclairant (en néophyte) sur les correspondances Dublin Core - Marc, donc (donc ?) BiblioML - OAI.
Bonne lecture.
Agnès Godard.
Atlas du patrimoine Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
SDC Patrimoine (CRMH, SRA, SRI). DRAC-NPdC.

In  UNIMARC and Metadata : Dublin Core / Hopikson, Alan .- Amsterdam : IFLA, 1998.- (64 ème conférence de l’IFLA ; code 138-161(WS)- E: UBCIM Core Programme: Permanent UNIMARC Committee and Division of Bibliographic. Control Meeting Number: 161.)

                                200 $a Title Proper
                                200 $e Other Title Information (for subtitle)
                                        510 $a Parallel title
                                517 $a Other Variant Titles (for other titles)
Creator                         700 $a Personal Name - Primary Intellectual Responsibility, or if more than one:
                                701 $a Personal Name - Alternative Intellectual Responsibility
                                710 $a Corporate Body Name - Primary Intellectual Responsibility, or:
                                711 $a Corporate Body Name - Alternative Intellectual Responsibility
Subject                         610 $a Uncontrolled Subject Terms
                                606 Topical Name Used as Subject (for LCSH and MeSH)
                                675 UDC
                                676 DDC
                                680 LCC
                                686 Other Classification Systems
Description                     330 $a Summary or Abstract
Publisher                       210 $c Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Contributors                    701 $a Personal Name - Alternative Intellectual Responsibility
                                711 $a Corporate Body Name - Alternative Intellectual Responsibility
Date                            210 $d Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Type                            608 Form, Genre or Physical Characteristics Heading
Format                          336 $a Type of Computer File (provisional)
Identifier                      001 allocated by the system
                                010 ISBN
                                011 ISSN
                                020 (National Bibliography Number)
                                856 $aURL
Source                          324 Original Version Note
Language                        101 Language of the Item
Relation                        300 General Note
Coverage                        300 General Note
Rights                          300 General Note

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