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[Bravegw-web] eBay Survey Instant $20 Survey Reward

From: eBay
Subject: [Bravegw-web] eBay Survey Instant $20 Survey Reward
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 21:27:21 -0500

eBay's Survey Department
Dear eBay Member,
You have been chosen by the eBay's Survey Department to take part in our quick 
and easy 6 question survery, In return we will instantly credit $20 to your 
account - Just for your time!
Helping us better understand how our customer's feel benefits everyone. 
With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes 
to improve and expand our online service. 
The information you provide us is all sensitive - No part of it is handed down 
to any third party groups.
It will be stored in our secure database for a maximum of 7 days while we 
process the results of this
 nationwide survey. 
We kindly ask you to please spare 2 minutes of your time in taking part with 
this unique offer!

To Continue click or copy and paste the link below :  

eBay's Survey Department

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