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a2ps: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds'

From: Joaquim Chamico (LSTM)
Subject: a2ps: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds'
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 17:31:07 +0100


I downloaded a2ps so I could print good looking fortran 90 files from my winNT4 PC.

But I get an error: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds' ...

Here is a DOS shell with the error I get:

C:\>cd a2ps\bin

C:\A2PS\bin>a2ps modules.f90
Bad command or file name
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
[modules.f90 (Fortran): 3 pages on 1 sheet]
Bad command or file name
[Total: 3 pages on 1 sheet] sent to the default printer


C:\A2PS\bin>a2ps --list=style-sheets
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for-fixed.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for-fixed': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for-fixed.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for-fixed': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for-fixed.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for-fixed': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for-fixed.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for-fixed': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for77kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for77kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
a2ps.exe: cannot find file `for90kwds.ssh'
a2ps.exe: cannot find style sheet `for90kwds': using plain style
                               Known Style Sheets

68000 (68000.ssh version 1.2)
Althought designed at the origin for the 68k's assembler, this style
sheet seem to handle rather well other dialects.

a2ps configuration file (a2psrc.ssh version 1.3)

(...)  bla bla bla   BUT:

Fortran (fortran.ssh version 2.0)
Written by Denis Girou <address@hidden>, Alexander Mai <address@hidden>.
There are several Fortran dialects, depending whether, on the one
hand, you use Fortran 77 or Fortran 90/95, and, on the other hand,
Fixed form comments, or Free form comments.

The style sheets for77kwds and for90kwds implements keywords only,
while the style sheets for-fixed and for-free implements comments

This style sheet tries to support any of the various flavors
(Fortran 77/90/95, fixed or free form).  For more specific uses, you
should use either:
 - for77-fixed, for Fortran 77 fixed form,
 - for77-free, for Fortran 77 free form,
 - for90-fixed, for Fortran 90/95 fixed form,
 - for90-free, for Fortran 90/95 free form.

Fortran 77 Fixed (for77-~1.ssh version 0.1)


I read the FAQ and the known bugs but I can't find the solution to this simple problem... :-(
(Style sheets are there and everything seems to be ok...)

Many thanks for your help and understanding!

#  MSc. Dipl.-Phys. Joaquim Chamico
#  FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
#  Cauerstr. 4
#  D-91058 Erlangen
#  Germany
#  Phone:  (+49) 9131 852-3007
#  Fax:    (+49) 9131 852-3002
#  address@hidden

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