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[Bug-apl] Emacs mode, progress report

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: [Bug-apl] Emacs mode, progress report
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 23:09:24 +0800

So I've been spending some more time on the Emacs mode and I just wanted to post a progress report.

First of all, what I have not spent much time on is syntax highlighting. This is mainly because I'm not sure how to properly syntax highlight APL. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

What I have done, however, is:
Here's the screenshot referenced above: https://plus.google.com/photos/115209488640908180409/albums/5959344088578361793/5960601668832942594?pid=5960601668832942594&oid=115209488640908180409

It's still not finished and there are certainly rough edges, but at least it's starting to come together.

Any comments are of course appreciated.

The Github URL: https://github.com/lokedhs/gnu-apl-mode


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