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Re: [Bug-apl] question on []host and few other things...

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: Re: [Bug-apl] question on []host and few other things...
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 22:38:01 +0800

Oh, and one more thing. If that doesn't work, can you give the the escape sequence of what you want to achieve and I'll research it for you.


On 31 March 2014 22:36, Elias Mårtenson <address@hidden> wrote:
All right. I did some testing. What you are probably looking for is "bold". You can experiment directly with the terminfo commans using the command "tput".

So, to set black background, white text:

tput setb 0
tput setf 7

Then, you can enable highlight of the foreground colour:

tput bold

The colour of the text should be whiter.


On 31 March 2014 00:30, Elias Mårtenson <address@hidden> wrote:
What system is that? And what terminal are you using?

Normally you'd get bright white by choosing the white colour in addition to the standout mode. Standout mode has code "smso" in terminfo.


On 31 March 2014 00:21, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Elias,

ANSI (fixed ESC sequence) is still the default because terminfo/curses does not work too well
for colors on my box (bright white missing).

/// Jürgen

On 03/30/2014 12:09 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
On 30 March 2014 18:06, Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden> wrote:

Sounds like wrong ESC sequences for colors. Check your preferences file.

This always happens OSX with a default build. I don't care much since I always run it in Emacs.

Anyway, this should not be a problem when the terminfo stuff is used. Isn't it enabled these days?


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