Cool. You could add the link to the Android port as well, even though it's very early still.
On 17 Jun 2014 20:15, "Juergen Sauermann" <
address@hidden> wrote:
I have linked a "GNU APL Community " web page to the GNU APL home at
The direct link is:
The purpose of this page is to collect links to all kinds of software developments using GNU APL or in
relation to GNU APL that were posted on bug-apl. These links are are difficult to find after a while
in bug-apl and it would be a pity if they get lost.
I will scan bug-apl for more links, but this will take a while since we have more than 1800 emails
in the list and chances are that I oversee an interesting contribution.
If you have a link that you would like to be listed then it would be quicker to re-post it to bug-apl.
If you are listed already then please check your entry and propose a better text if possible.
/// Jürgen