Control-C is a general prefix character in Emacs. In
other words, you press C-c followed by another keypress to
execute a given function. C-c C-c (i.e. Control-C twice) is
defined to send a single control-c to an underlying process
(it's part of the framework that manages external programs, of
which apl is one).
Of course, nothing prevents me from adding other
keypresses that are mapped to, say, sending a double C-c to the
underlying process, but it wouldn't really mesh very well with
how embedded programs usually works.
That said, it's possible to send four C-c's in half a
second. All I have to do is to hold C-c for a while and let the
operating system's key repeat do its job. So, in a worst case
scenario I just won't change anything at all. ☺
On 3 Aug 2014 21:19, "Juergen Sauermann"
Hi Elias,
mapping two ^C to one is maybe not so good an idea.
IBM APL2 distinguishes between interrupt and attention and
they have
different keys for that. interrupt interrupts execution
immediately while
attention interrupts execution at the end of the
Currently GNU APL is behaving slightly differently, but
the plan is to align that long term.
Instead of two keys for interrupt and attention I found it
more convenient to have single ^C for attention
and double ^C for interrupt.
This is also why two ^C are needed to abort the display of
If you eat single ^C in emacs then this would prevent
attention from being signaled.
I would propose instead that every ^C is simply passed on
/// Jürgen
On 08/02/2014 06:29 PM, Elias Mårtenson wrote:
Do you think there is a way to configure
that? Perhaps disable the double-thing when in Emacs
mode? The reason is that in Emacs mode you already have
to press C-c twice to send a sinvlde C-c to the
underlying process. That means that in order to
interrupt right now I need to press it 4 times within
500 ms, which is very difficult.