)load Utils
⎕FX Ctit failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [4])
⎕FX Dtfmt failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [1])
⎕FX JUL failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [1])
⎕FX Mul failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [5])
⎕FX NumbStr
failed: Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [12])
⎕FX Out failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [6])
⎕FX Roman failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [4])
⎕FX Rot failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [2])
⎕FX Sort2 failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [6])
⎕FX Tmfmt failed:
Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [1])
⎕FX WPrintWS2
failed: Unbalanced parenthesis (function line [25])
SAVED 2014-10-23
05:50:30 (GMT-5)
While this code was not thoroughly tested, it has been
used. I don't think all those unbalances parens is true.
Additionally, since all of those function failed to ⎕FX,
there is no function to check and fix. I'm not sure that ⎕FX
should be verifying the parens either.