2014 11 11 8 40 23 66
)load Utils
SAVED 2014-11-11 00:27:03 (GMT-5)
2014 11 11 9 40 41 974
I didn't know about ⎕TZ. I'm not sure why it would be assignable, but if it is, it certainly shouldn't be in a saved workspace! If I give my workspace to someone in a different time zone, it would always be wrong.
I just checked IBM APL2. They way it works makes sense. It works as follows:
1. ⎕TZ defaults as is correct for the local machine.
2. ⎕TZ is assignable.
3. Changing the value of ⎕TZ survives and is unchanged by )CLEAR and )LOAD.
4. )SAVE and )LOAD have no affect on ⎕TZ
5. If APL is exited and restarted, ⎕TZ returns to the local system appropriate value.
If GNU APL did this. It would be perfect.