0 input files: UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG 1 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG 1 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG ⍳42 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG ⍳42 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG 2 3 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG 2 3 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG ⍳41,ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG ⍳41,ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍳41 UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍳41 UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG (1 2 3 4) ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG (1 2 3 4) ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ]LOG 2 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ]LOG 2 ON UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = )OFF UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = )OFF Binding thread #0 to core 0 thread_contexts_count: 1 busy_worker_count: 0 active_core_count: 1 thread # 0: 0x7fade3b19740 pool sema: 0 RUN job: 0 no-name Parallel::set_core_count(): keeping current core count of 1 thread_contexts_count: 1 busy_worker_count: 0 active_core_count: 1 thread # 0: 0x7fade3b19740 pool sema: 0 RUN job: 0 no-name argc: 84 argv[0]: './apl' argv[1]: '--noColor' argv[2]: '-l' argv[3]: '1' argv[4]: '-l' argv[5]: '2' argv[6]: '-l' argv[7]: '3' argv[8]: '-l' argv[9]: '4' argv[10]: '-l' argv[11]: '5' argv[12]: '-l' argv[13]: '6' argv[14]: '-l' argv[15]: '7' argv[16]: '-l' argv[17]: '8' argv[18]: '-l' argv[19]: '9' argv[20]: '-l' argv[21]: '10' argv[22]: '-l' argv[23]: '11' argv[24]: '-l' argv[25]: '12' argv[26]: '-l' argv[27]: '13' argv[28]: '-l' argv[29]: '14' argv[30]: '-l' argv[31]: '15' argv[32]: '-l' argv[33]: '16' argv[34]: '-l' argv[35]: '17' argv[36]: '-l' argv[37]: '18' argv[38]: '-l' argv[39]: '19' argv[40]: '-l' argv[41]: '20' argv[42]: '-l' argv[43]: '21' argv[44]: '-l' argv[45]: '22' argv[46]: '-l' argv[47]: '23' argv[48]: '-l' argv[49]: '24' argv[50]: '-l' argv[51]: '25' argv[52]: '-l' argv[53]: '26' argv[54]: '-l' argv[55]: '27' argv[56]: '-l' argv[57]: '28' argv[58]: '-l' argv[59]: '29' argv[60]: '-l' argv[61]: '30' argv[62]: '-l' argv[63]: '31' argv[64]: '-l' argv[65]: '32' argv[66]: '-l' argv[67]: '33' argv[68]: '-l' argv[69]: '34' argv[70]: '-l' argv[71]: '35' argv[72]: '-l' argv[73]: '36' argv[74]: '-l' argv[75]: '37' argv[76]: '-l' argv[77]: '38' argv[78]: '-l' argv[79]: '39' argv[80]: '-l' argv[81]: '40' argv[82]: '-l' argv[83]: '41' UTF8_string::UTF8_string(ucs = CONTINUE) UTF8_string::UTF8_string(): utf = CONTINUE Quad_QUOTE::done(1) called from LineInput.cc:712 , buffer = [] '1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0' fix pmode=statement list: 1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 addr 0x14a8bb0 ------------------- StatementList::fix() -- [0]1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize: input[44] is: «1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0» tokenize(44 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «1»] 1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵} ... tokenize_number(1 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(43 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ ... tokenize(42 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «1»] 1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ ... tokenize_number(1 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(41 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ { ... tokenize(40 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «0»] 0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵ ... tokenize_number(0 { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(39 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/ ... tokenize(38 chars) sees [tag TOK_L_CURLY «{»] { {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳ ... tokenize(37 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴ ... tokenize(36 chars) sees [tag TOK_L_CURLY «{»] {⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵ ... tokenize(35 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍺»] ⍺∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵} ... tokenize(34 chars) sees [tag TOK_JOT «∘»] ∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨ ... tokenize_function(∘.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(33 chars) sees [tag TOK_OPER2_INNER «.»] .{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ... tokenize_function(.{|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(32 chars) sees [tag TOK_L_CURLY «{»] {|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ... tokenize(31 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_STILE «|»] |⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵ ... tokenize_function(|⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(30 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍺»] ⍺-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} ... tokenize(29 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_MINUS «-»] -⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} ... tokenize_function(-⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(28 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍵»] ⍵+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 ... tokenize(27 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_PLUS «+»] +0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 ... tokenize_function(+0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(26 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «0»] 0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 ... tokenize_number(0J1}⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(23 chars) sees [tag TOK_R_CURLY «}»] }⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(22 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍵»] ⍵}/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(21 chars) sees [tag TOK_R_CURLY «}»] }/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(20 chars) sees [tag TOK_OPER1_REDUCE «/»] / {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize_function(/ {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(19 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(18 chars) sees [tag TOK_L_CURLY «{»] {⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(17 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍵»] ⍵/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(16 chars) sees [tag TOK_OPER1_REDUCE «/»] /⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize_function(/⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(15 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_INDEX_OF «⍳»] ⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize_function(⍳⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(14 chars) sees [tag TOK_F12_RHO «⍴»] ⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize_function(⍴⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(13 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍵»] ⍵}¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(12 chars) sees [tag TOK_R_CURLY «}»] }¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(11 chars) sees [tag TOK_OPER1_EACH «¨»] ¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize_function(¨⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0) tokenize(10 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍺»] ⍺ ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(9 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(8 chars) sees [tag TOK_SYMBOL «⍵»] ⍵} 0 1 0 tokenize(7 chars) sees [tag TOK_R_CURLY «}»] } 0 1 0 tokenize(6 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] 0 1 0 tokenize(5 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «0»] 0 1 0 tokenize_number(0 1 0) tokenize(4 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] 1 0 tokenize(3 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «1»] 1 0 tokenize_number(1 0) tokenize(2 chars) sees [tag TOK_SPACE « »] 0 tokenize(1 chars) sees [tag TOK_NUMERIC «0»] 0 tokenize_number(0) tokenize() done (no error) parse 1 [33]: `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER parse 2 [33]: `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER collect_groups [33 token] in: `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER parse 3 [33]: `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER collect_constants [33 token] in: `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER create_value(600) tos[33] pos 0 count 3 in:`INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER new 0x14a13b0 at Value.icc:67 create_value [33 token] out: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER create_value(610) tos[33] pos 0 count 3 out:`VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER create_value(600) tos[33] pos 14 count 1 in:`VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `COMPLEX `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER new 0x14aa9f0 at Value.icc:53 create_value(610) tos[33] pos 14 count 1 out:`VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER create_value(600) tos[33] pos 30 count 3 in:`VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `INTEGER `INTEGER `INTEGER new 0x14aae10 at Value.icc:67 create_value [33 token] out: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» `VOID `VOID create_value(610) tos[33] pos 30 count 3 out:`VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» `VOID `VOID collect_constants [33 token] out: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `VOID `VOID `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» `VOID `VOID parse 4 [29]: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» parse 5 [29]: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» parse 6 [29]: `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `{ `{ `⍺ `∘ `∘. `{ `∣ `⍺ `- `⍵ `+ `VALUE3«0J1» `} `⍵ `} `/ `{ `⍵ `/ `⍳ `⍴ `⍵ `} `¨ `⍺ `⍵ `} `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» [non-reverse 0] `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 0 1 0» `} `⍵ `⍺ `¨ `} `⍵ `⍴ `⍳ `/ `⍵ `{ `/ `} `⍵ `} `VALUE3«0J1» `+ `⍵ `- `⍺ `∣ `{ `∘. `∘ `⍺ `{ `{ `VALUE3«≡⊏3⊐before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │1│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 before align_dot(), COL_INFO = 1:0:1, this col = 1:0:1 ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 after align_dot() ┌─┐ │0│ └─┘ flags=0x10 ilen=1 flen=0 rlen=1 1 1 0» `ENDL UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍺ UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍺ UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍵ UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍵ UTF8_string::UTF8_string(ucs = λ) UTF8_string::UTF8_string(): utf = λ [non-reverse 0] `⍵ `⍺ `¨ `} `⍵ `⍴ `⍳ `/ `⍵ `{ `/ `} `⍵ `} `VALUE3«0J1» `+ `⍵ `- `⍺ `∣ `{ `∘. `∘ `⍺ `{ `← `λ `ENDL `RETURN_SYMBOL `ENDL UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍵ UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍵ UTF8_string::UTF8_string(ucs = λ) UTF8_string::UTF8_string(): utf = λ [non-reverse 0] `⍵ `⍴ `⍳ `/ `⍵ `← `λ `ENDL `RETURN_SYMBOL `ENDL UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍺ UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍺ UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = ⍵ UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = ⍵ UTF8_string::UTF8_string(ucs = λ) UTF8_string::UTF8_string(): utf = λ [non-reverse 0] `⍵ `} `VALUE3«0J1» `+ `⍵ `- `⍺ `∣ `{ `∘. `∘ `⍺ `← `λ `ENDL `RETURN_SYMBOL `ENDL UCS_string::UCS_string(): utf = λ← UCS_string::UCS_string(): ucs = λ← copying: '0' at Executable.cc:669 tidx: '2' at Executable.cc:669 ---------------------------------------- -- Stack trace at Executable.cc:669 ---------------------------------------- 0x7fade22f4b45 __libc_start_main 0x43eea5 main 0x57ac35 Workspace::immediate_execution(bool) 0x48e45a Command::process_line() 0x48e4dc Command::do_APL_expression(UCS_string&) 0x49ef29 StatementList::fix(UCS_string const&, char const*) 0x49e4d7 Executable::setup_lambdas() 0x49d7a2 Executable::setup_one_lambda(long) 0x56675d UserFunction::UserFunction(Fun_signature, UCS_string const&, UCS_string const&, Token_string const&) 0x49e4d7 Executable::setup_lambdas() 0x49d7a2 Executable::setup_one_lambda(long) 0x56675d UserFunction::UserFunction(Fun_signature, UCS_string const&, UCS_string const&, Token_string const&) 0x49e4d7 Executable::setup_lambdas() 0x49d76d Executable::setup_one_lambda(long) 0x49ba16 Executable::extract_lambda_text(Fun_signature) const ========================================