Hi Fausto,
thanks. Fixed in SVN 601.
/// Jürgen
On 04/10/2015 12:27 PM, Fausto Saporito
Hi Jürgen,
sure... attached there's the workspace.
2015-04-10 12:25 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann <address@hidden>:
Hi Fausto,
it would be goof if you could send me the workspace so that I can reproduce
the fault.
get_Quad_LX() is defined in Workspace.hh lines 254-260.
But it does not do anything.
/// Jürgen
On 04/10/2015 10:14 AM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
Hello all,
if I understood well all the logic... it seems that get_v_Quad_LX()
creates the exception.
But I cannot find where it's defined... unfortunately I don't know too much
2015-04-10 8:23 GMT+02:00 Fausto Saporito <address@hidden>:
Another bit of scavenging :)
I modified the source files Workspace.cc and SymbolTable.cc to print
some debug info: this is the result
)load multprex
loading )DUMP file /Users/fausap/workspaces/multprex.apl...
Initializing dump function
Counted symbols...
Sorted symbols...
Pass 1: functions... done
Pass 2: variables... done
Dumped [multprex] on file. Now printing info...
Process apl floating point exception: 8
the interesting thing is the problem are the defines... or the
inclusion... I don't know.
In my modified Workspace.cc there're these lines:
int variable_count = 0;
the_workspace.symbol_table.dump(outf, function_count, variable_count);
cout << "---> IN WORKSPACE.CC <---" << endl;
cout << "Dumped [" << wname << "] on file. Now printing info..." << endl;
// system variables
#define ro_sv_def(x, _txt)
#define rw_sv_def(x, _txt) if (ID:: x != ID::Quad_SYL) { get_v_ ##
x().dump(outf); ++variable_count; }
#include "SystemVariable.def"
cout << "Set some DEFINEs. Now printing info..." << endl;
As you can see the second COUT is never printed...
2015-04-10 7:51 GMT+02:00 Fausto Saporito <address@hidden>:
Just another bit of information:
this code is never executed (from Workspace.cc), I got before this the
floating point exception error.
COUT << "DUMPED WORKSPACE '" << wname << "'" << endl
<< " TO FILE '" << filename << "'" << endl
<< " (" << function_count << " FUNCTIONS, " << variable_count
<< " VARIABLES)" << endl;
2015-04-09 19:41 GMT+02:00 Fausto Saporito <address@hidden>:
Hi Jürgen,
I still have a problem :) but maybe it's my problematic emacs... under
cocoa is very slow.
I have also a latest version, but gnu-pal-mode doesn't work with emacs
25.x I don't know why... it cannot find apl :)
By the way, I get a "Process apl floating point exception: 8" when i'm
doing a )DUMP, I tried with clang and with gcc.
The dumped file is ok... so I suppose the exception is after the
process wrote on the filesystem...
2015-04-09 15:20 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann
Hi Fausto,
done in SVN 600. I thought I had given it 200 ms but it seems like it was
only 20 ms.
Since we all know how slow emacs is, I gave APserver 2 seconds extra when
APL was started in emacs mode.
/// Jürgen
On 04/08/2015 07:54 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
Hi Jürgen,
now if I run "/usr/local/bin/apl --emacs" is ok... but if I call (this
is the way the emacs module gnu-apl-mode calls the interpreter) :
MacMac:~ fausap$ /usr/local/bin/apl --rawCIN --emacs --emacs_arg 0
Network listener started. Connection information: mode:tcp addr:61198
::connect() to existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.5 / 598M
Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: /usr/local/bin/apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
maybe adding more delay could do the trick :)
2015-04-08 18:17 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann
Hi Fausto,
I see. Probably a race condition between apl and APserver (because this does
happen on my machine).
I have added a delay in SVN 598.
/// Jürgen
On 04/08/2015 05:36 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
just to clarify with example:
MacMac:~ fausap$ /usr/local/bin/apl --noColor
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.5 / 597M
Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: /usr/local/bin/apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
and now the error :
MacMac:~ fausap$ /usr/local/bin/apl --emacs
::connect() to existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.5 / 597M
Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: /usr/local/bin/apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
2015-04-08 17:28 GMT+02:00 Fausto Saporito <address@hidden>:
Hi Jürgen,
ok. for some reason if I run "/usr/local/bin/apl --noColor" I have no
error, if I run "apl --noColor" without the full path I got the error.
But without any switch (--noColor or --emacs) it's ok even if I run
apl or /usr/local/bin/apl
Really I cannot understand this.
2015-04-08 17:11 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann
Hi Fausto,
you can set different colors in the GNU APL preferences file(s), e.g.
There is a section for screens with dark backgrounds (commented out). There
is no reliable way to figure
which colors are used when apl is started. Therefore apl sends the "RESET"
sequence in the preferences file
when it exits.
The --noColor option is not related to APserver. You may want to try an
absolute path to the apl binary to
be sure which one is being used.
/// Jürgen
On 04/08/2015 04:04 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
Hi Jürgen,
yes... I had in my $HOME a directory called apl... :)
but I have a strange behavior: if I start apl (simply without any
parameters) all the errors disappear, but I have problem between
"colors" and my mac terminal app. I have black background and green
foreground (a little bit nostalgic :) ) but in this way I cannot see
the replies from the interpreter... and when I do a )off, I have to
reset the terminal because everything is black.
if I start apl --noColor I have again the SVar_DB error!!!
2015-04-08 15:44 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann
Hi Fausto,
correct. The convention used by GNU APL is that APserver lives in the same
directory as apl or in the subdirectory APs of that directory. That
directory is listed as
APL_bin_path in the output below.
In your case APL_bin_path is the current directory (also seen in argv[0]:
'apl' below).
Therefore APserver should be present in the current directory '.' or in
'./APs/'. which probably isn't the case.
Most likely you have a file apl in the current directory (which is first in
your $PATH). If you remove it
(or remove '.' from our path which most people do these days for security
reasons) then /usr/local/.bin/apl
and /usr/local/.bin/APserver will be used instead of ./apl.
Nothing really to worry about - APserver is only for backward compatibility
with IBM APL2 in order to provide shared variables
and is not needed/used by most people.
/// Jürgen
On 04/08/2015 12:45 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
Hello Jürgen,
thanks for the hints about the configure/make.
About SVar_DB , here is the output.
I noticed the error about APserver, but it's present in /usr/local/bin
as the apl executable.
The problem could be he's trying to start ./APserver (and obviously)
that file is not present in the current directory.
sizeof(Svar_record) is 328
sizeof(Svar_partner) is 28
increasing rlimit RLIMIT_NPROC from 709 to infinity
initializing paths from argv[0] = apl
initializing paths from $PATH =
APL_bin_path is: .
APL_bin_name is: apl
Reading config file /usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d/preferences ...
Not reading config file /Users/fausap/.config/gnu-apl/preferences (not
Reading config file /usr/local/etc/gnu-apl.d/parallel_thresholds ...
Not reading config file
/Users/fausap/.config/gnu-apl/parallel_thresholds (not found/readable)
0 input files:
using ANSI terminal output ESC sequences (or those configured in your
preferences file(s))
using ANSI terminal input ESC sequences(or those configured in your
preferences file(s))
Using TCP socket towards APserver...
connecting to TCP port 16366
(this is expected to fail, unless APserver was started manually)
starting a new APserver listening on TCP port 16366
Executable ./APserver not found (this is OK when apl was started
from the src directory): No such file or directory
Executable ./APs/APserver not found.
This could means that 'apl' was not installed ('make install') or that it
was started in a non-standard way. The expected location of APserver is
either the same directory as the binary 'apl' or the subdirectory 'APs' of
that directory (the directory should also be in $PATH).
connecting to TCP port 16366
(this is supposed to succeed.)
::connect() to existing APserver failed: Invalid argument
thread_contexts_count: 1
busy_worker_count: 0
active_core_count: 1
thread # 0: 0x7fff79dbe300 pool sema: 42 RUN job: 0 no-name
Parallel::set_core_count(): keeping current core count of 1
thread_contexts_count: 1
busy_worker_count: 0
active_core_count: 1
thread # 0: 0x7fff79dbe300 pool sema: 42 RUN job: 0 no-name
______ _ __ __ __ ___ ____ __
/ ____// | / // / / / / | / __ \ / /
/ / __ / |/ // / / / / /| | / /_/ // /
/ /_/ // /| // /_/ / / ___ | / ____// /___
\____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ |_|/_/ /_____/
Welcome to GNU APL version 1.5 / 595M
Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Dr. Jürgen Sauermann
Banner by FIGlet: www.figlet.org
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details run: apl --gpl.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
according to the GNU Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
PID is 16583
argc: 3
argv[0]: 'apl'
argv[1]: '-l'
argv[2]: '37'
uprefs.user_do_svars: 1
uprefs.system_do_svars: 1
uprefs.requested_id: 0
uprefs.requested_par: 0
Svar_DB not connected in Svar_DB::is_registered_id()
id.proc: 1001 at ProcessorID.cc:77
Processor ID was completely initialized: 1001:0:0
system_do_svars is: 1
2015-04-08 12:34 GMT+02:00 Juergen Sauermann
Hi Fausto,
the simple ./configure (without arguments) does a "fast" install which
that the sources were freshly unpacked from the GNU APL project tar file.
If you fetch from SVN then the fast install will not recognize changes in
#included files.
This can be fixed with the --enable-maintainer-mode option of ./configure.
The normal
way to do this is make develop after ./configure (which not only sets
but also other ./configure options that are useful for debugging.
Regarding APserver/Svar_DB, please start apl with -l 37 and let me know what
it says.
/// Jürgen
On 04/07/2015 07:03 PM, Fausto Saporito wrote:
starting new thread, maybe it's better :)
I noticed after I sent my last email that a make clean (on my system)
doesn't clean everything. Some object files were still present.
So I did a make distclean, and reconfigured everything... now I can
confirm with clang the libemacs error is not present anymore.
The Svar_DB error is still present, but maybe this could be related to
the way I start apl... (i.e. using emacs).